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Search for articles in the database using this form. All fields are optional.

Some advice on the use of the search form:

  • Article Headlines may contain the name of a person, a product or brand name, or a reference to an event.
  • Article Summaries provide a synopsis of the article, and may contain words or phrases similar to those in the headline.
  • Article Bodies contain the full written text of the article. They normally contain the same phrases as those found in the headline or summary, but searches performed on this field could take a long time.
  • Article Date Ranges allow you to search for articles published between two dates. Dates should be entered as "day month year" (abbreviate the month).

The last field of the form, labelled "Boolean", will determine how any criteria you submit is used to locate matching records.

  • Selecting the "And" button will find only those articles that satisfy every criteria you submit.
  • Selecting the "Or" button will return records that satisfy any of the criteria.


And     Or
* Optional
Date Range: Enter dates as "day month year" (abbreviate the month e.g. 05 Jan 2007).
Boolean Search: And     Or